Hardware requirements: Processor Intel Pentium IV 2.4 GHz or higher, RAM 512 mb, screen resolution of 1024x768 or higher, OS MS Windows XP SP2 or later. The program is portable and does not have installer. To install program unpack zip archive to any folder and send link of "Coil32.exe" on your descktop, then just run "Coil32.exe". If you wish to add to the program your own language, please translate himself the file "English.lng" in subfolder "Language" and save the target file in this folder with name - "Mylanguage.lng".This file with ".lng" extention is the simple text-file. Replace this extention to ".txt", traslate it, and replace extention back to ".lng" In a next start of the program this language will be available in menu. To make available this language to another users you can send this file to the developer on E-mail "coil32@yandex.ru". It will be included in next program versions. The new plugins for the program unpack to the "Plugins" subfolder and thouse will be avtomatically available in the next run. Thank you for interest to my program. Developer.